Forums - Low tiers used in tournaments? Show all 44 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Low tiers used in tournaments? ( Posted by Quicksilver on 08:23:2001 01:38 AM: Low tiers used in tournaments? How many different low tiers has anyone seen, been used in a tounament? Posted by Orochi Kyosuke on 08:23:2001 01:42 AM: I see some nasty Rouges in tourneys. Posted by Goku on 08:23:2001 01:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Orochi Kyosuke I see some nasty Rouges in tourneys. That avatar fucking ownz me I've seen venom and colloussus and such... Posted by Orochi Kyosuke on 08:23:2001 02:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Goku That avatar fucking ownz me Hehe, thanks man, that team on my avatar has won me three tourneys. BTW, I forgot about that bitch Tron, my buddy plays her like a top tier. Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on 08:23:2001 02:19 AM: I'd like to see a guile. Posted by Orochi Kyosuke on 08:23:2001 02:22 AM: Oh yeah, that reminds me, Iron Man is not top tier, and I see mean ass Iron Mans. Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:23:2001 03:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| I'd like to see a guile. It would be pretty cool to see a pro Charlie/Guile player in one of those top tourneys. As characters I've seen at home tourneys, I've seen serious Omega reds,Captain Americas, and Megamans. I've also seen a Hayato that kicked major ass. Posted by Monkey on 08:23:2001 03:31 AM: Gawd. Come to a Justin Wong tourney, you'll see his "low-tier" team. I dont even think it goes into that catigory. Anyway, its Guile/Charlie/Cammy. He owns everyone with it. -m0nkey Posted by Elves=Cheating on 08:23:2001 03:32 AM: Colosus is mean sometimes, his guard break can lead to some sick combos. People also play Jill sometimes, trying the slide OTG stuff. Posted by batsu13 on 08:23:2001 03:35 AM: I use Guile and Charlie pretty good. My friend (NET) plays Amingo like sicko. You'd swear he was top tier..... Posted by ElvenShadow on 08:23:2001 03:39 AM: I actually played a Spidey/Wolverine/Akuma team once in a tourny, didn't do so well but whatever Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:23:2001 03:52 AM: i play cyke and rouge like a god!!! i seen this way guy kick mad ass with jugg and bb hood on the same team 100% triple team!!!!!!! this other guy played capcom like a god!!!!! Posted by BlackShinobi on 08:23:2001 03:53 AM: If it wasn't for a horrible headache I would have used both of the teams in my avatar during the last tournament (and with full confidence in them) Only one top tier in the whole lot. Posted by Ryo Hazuki on 08:23:2001 04:22 AM: not a tourney but this guy was owning in my arcade a few days ago with juggz/bb hood/iron man he did power up with juggz, did the triple with the photon cannon/hunting super/jugg head crush.......SICK damage, killed my cable AND my sent at the SAME TIME!!!! Posted by SilverGear on 08:23:2001 04:47 AM: So far here are some lower tier CharactersI've seen used in tournies: - Amingo - Anakaris - Mega Man - Tron Bonne - Juggernaut - B. B. Hood - Hulk - Venom - Both Wolverines - Iron Man - Colossus - Guile I played the Anakaris and he was down right dirty!!! He busted out infinites on every one of my characters killing them. :/ Posted by vaioman on 08:23:2001 04:48 AM: man, chun-li owns you all!! not really, i just used to use her alot Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 08:23:2001 04:51 AM: Ive seen nasty ass Dhalsim's at SHGL it was fucking insane. Oh and i seen viscant use the team in the MvC2 logo on the right which was Ruby strider some other guy i fogot but just look at the logo on the arcade and its the team on the right side. He was owning people mad with that team at SHGL. Oh and his SPIDERMAN is really good. Posted by oORYUOo on 08:23:2001 05:00 AM: i play shoto's in tourneys, but i guess they arent all lower tier. Posted by bizounce on 08:23:2001 05:18 AM: Well, you really can't just win by picking top tier characters. By top-tier that really means that if you yourself are toptier are going to dominate with these characters. That's the way it really is. It's all in how you play before you pick your character tiers. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 08:23:2001 05:24 AM: In addition to some of the ones already mentioned: Silver Samurai Sabretooth Sonson Posted by Quicksilver on 08:23:2001 06:57 AM: wow, I wonder what some of these guys' strats are, when they play these lower tiers. Posted by BlackShinobi on 08:23:2001 07:17 AM: factors that lead to lower tier wins - under estimation - variety/originality (people either forget how to play against lower tiers or have never seen a good ??? and have no idea what that character is capable of) causing them to use a more "in general" strategy than a specialized one that they would have against most top tier teams. - although top tier startegies are very solid they are also very well known giving the lower tier team the advantage of knowing what is about to come at it. - LOWER TIER CHARACTERS DON'T SUCK NEARLY AS MUCH AS MOST PEOPLE WOULD HAVE YO BELIEVE (but you do have to realize that you may have to do most of the experimentation with them for yourself, because even SRK doesn't offer much in the way of strats for obscure characters) Posted by Elves=Cheating on 08:23:2001 07:51 AM: Well, I'm a big fan of the russian metal death machine and their are a lot of good things to do with him on point and as an assist. 1) Colosus's dash assist is fun to use vs. Spiral/Sentinel. Colosus gets completely in the way of the trap and Spiral can't do much to punish him. It can also clear out all the space (actually, only one character and all projectiles that don't go through characters, such as AHVB, unfortunately) in front of him, and he takes no damage if hit while the charge is doing on. 2) If you actually hit the laucher, he does great damage. You can do so with the following: a) Score a knock down and start doing jumping roundhouses at cross-up range. Some AAAs will mess this up. b) So, play with cyclops, psylocke or Son-Son AAA so you can set up your ACs off them instead of the launcher. c) A FP throw in the corner will OTG into it, after a d) Guard Break. 3) Hyper Armor is a god-send vs. rushdown. Just finding time to do it can be tricky. Don't do it after an assist, cause if you do they are dead. And remember, you CAN be thrown while in Hyper armor, which I just found out today =/ Otherwise, you can turn around and rush down Mags. Just make sure to throw a lot since people tend to block more when Colosus is suited up. 4) His other super has a wierd property that it goes up, so if someone is running away (like storm with typhoons) you can actually reach her up there. But since he is a tier two, he just basically looses to a lot of the tier ones, unless the player is a lot worse than you or they have no idea how the tin man works. Dr. Doom and Blackheart in particular. But thats what you get for being creative. But, its been said in this thread, tier twos (even threes) don't suck as much as people have been brought up to believe, so learn one, you might have fun. Or Win? Posted by Dasrik on 08:23:2001 08:02 AM: Joe Zaza of Southern California is a rather mean jack-of-all-trades. He actually took eighth place in a recent SHGL tournament using Double Wolverine/Sentinel. His other basic team (Guile/Charlie/BBHood) is very nasty as well. Posted by waldo98 on 08:23:2001 08:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Joe Zaza of Southern California is a rather mean jack-of-all-trades. He actually took eighth place in a recent SHGL tournament using Double Wolverine/Sentinel. His other basic team (Guile/Charlie/BBHood) is very nasty as well. Yes, Joe ZaZa is like a fly on shit when it comes down to rushing down on your ass. Those double wolverines take damage like shit, but they can sure dish out some painful combos. Posted by eBoy on 08:23:2001 01:41 PM: i've seen Morrigan Tron Silver Samurai Venom Shuma hmm thats all i think Posted by Cletus Kasady on 08:23:2001 02:45 PM: My signature low tier team (AKA Team MVC1 Scrub): Y-Bonerine/B-Strider/A-Spiderman. Sure, I haven't really won anything with it yet, but it's fun to play. Posted by Incredible Hulk on 08:23:2001 02:59 PM: There is a guy around here that uses colosus/sent/mechzan. That team is just nasty. Every character takes forever to kill and you just can't get any where near 'em or he will hurt you. Posted by Quicksilver on 08:24:2001 05:14 AM: What about servbot? Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:24:2001 05:22 AM: i got 16 wins with spiral, servebot and sentinel. thanx to spiral/sent trap and servebot's block damage. my friend also plays a nasty hayato and i play a nasty bison and servebot!! Posted by BigDave315 on 09:06:2001 04:18 PM: guile's AAA works well against sentinel sometimes i use Storm/Cable/Guile and i do quite well. guile is awesome i can trap solo with him Posted by aquarake on 09:06:2001 04:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi factors that lead to lower tier wins - under estimation - variety/originality (people either forget how to play against lower tiers or have never seen a good ??? and have no idea what that character is capable of) causing them to use a more "in general" strategy than a specialized one that they would have against most top tier teams. - although top tier startegies are very solid they are also very well known giving the lower tier team the advantage of knowing what is about to come at it. - LOWER TIER CHARACTERS DON'T SUCK NEARLY AS MUCH AS MOST PEOPLE WOULD HAVE YO BELIEVE (but you do have to realize that you may have to do most of the experimentation with them for yourself, because even SRK doesn't offer much in the way of strats for obscure characters) "Low tier advantage poll" quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry Ive seen nasty ass Dhalsim's at SHGL it was fucking insane. Oh and i seen viscant use the team in the MvC2 logo on the right which was Ruby strider some other guy i fogot but just look at the logo on the arcade and its the team on the right side. He was owning people mad with that team at SHGL. Oh and his SPIDERMAN is really good. prolly was duc do. the asian dude that plays with dhalsim, chances are, is duc do. anyway, somebody at shgl OWNED with rogue magneto and zangief, about 16+ games servbot chips like a mofo bbhood chips like a mofo i use morrigan, megaman and sentinel, now im looking to change that team. still id like to use one low tier. does anyone have low tier character vids? Posted by Nutlog on 09:06:2001 08:50 PM: During the Omaha tournament a couple of weeks ago, there were several lower tier characters that made it decently far. I placed 9th with Dhalsim/Morrigan/Sentinel and Detrick Ohr (SF3 guy at MWC) placed third with Spidey/Iceman/Sentinel. Other appearances were made with Rogue, Colossus and B.B.Hood (My scrub team for the early rounds was Zangief/CaptainAmerica/Ryu -- fear FAB/Final/Shin -- and B.B.Hood/Colossus/Morrigan) I'm now working with my new team: Marrow/Morrigan/Megaman Posted by dhalsim on 09:06:2001 09:08 PM: I've used a Dhalsim Sent and ice man not all low tier but still my dhalsim was killin cables and magnetos all over the place. and ice man no chip from projectiles and hes not top tier ^_^ Posted by Joe Zaza on 11:20:2001 11:23 AM: Hi. Dhalsim's avatar is the fuckin shit yo Posted by dhalsim on 11:21:2001 12:59 AM: ..... Posted by The Shoto King on 11:21:2001 01:19 AM: Some Dhalsims and some Omega Reds for real!!!!!!!! Posted by Chris F on 11:21:2001 05:20 PM: What Dhalsim team(s) does Duc use? I don't think anyone's posted that. Posted by Terazon on 11:21:2001 07:56 PM: Check out I'll give you the link. There are too many ones that involve lower tier characters to mention. Especially from VDO. Posted by Leviathan on 11:21:2001 09:03 PM: Colossus; sweep, Gambit card throw assist, dash special, spinning throw special. Most people don't bother rolling out of a Colossus sweep, and it's about 60% with a 4 hit combo. Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 11:21:2001 11:09 PM: Low-Tier all the way! Although I do use a lot of top tier characters, it's all about the low-tier ownage. I use these low-tier characters on a regualr basis: Dan Tron Ken Dhalsim Iron Man THANOS!!! Captain Commando Guile And, I win a lot too... You know you're all jealous of my Dan/Tron/Ken team. I've beaten MSP's with that team. Posted by SatsuRyu on 11:22:2001 12:18 AM: I play a sick azz Ryu, With my %100 life combo on SENTINAL? Okay more like 60-70% on Sentinal...sorry to get you guys excited like that. Posted by Shadow_X on 11:22:2001 12:29 AM: any vids of low-tiers in play? Posted by Quicksilver on 11:25:2001 06:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shadow_X any vids of low-tiers in play? 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